Join us to save the Oslofjord and other European waters

Pungdom UB helps the Oslofjord's nitrogen problems and knowledge problems. We create a sjøpung hotel, testify about the fjord's problems and engage young people through our environmental group Pungdommen. Together we clean the fjord

image of the Oslofjord

The Oslofjord is dying

The Oslofjord is dying due to excessively high nitrogen levels, littering, temperature problems, many nutrient salts, changing bacterial flora and much more.

Areas that drain to the Outer Oslofjord

The precipitation fields that drain to the Outer Oslofjord are practically the whole of Eastern Norway. In other words, emissions from 50% of Norway's population

drainage areas

(NIVA, Havforskningsinstituttet, p96, "Utredning av behovet for å redusere tilførslene av nitrogen til Ytre Oslofjord", André Staalstrøm, Mats Walday, Christian Vogelsang, Helene Frigstad, Gunhild Borgersen, Jon Albretsen and Lars-Johan Naustvoll, 07.03.2022)

How Pungdom helps UB

We solve the nitrogen problem, the nutrient salt problem and the litter problem.

Pungdom UB solves the nutritional salt problem and the nitrogen problem by setting up a filtering sea squirt hotel for the sea squirt species ciona intestinalis. Sea squirt needs more places to grow in the inner and outer Oslofjord.

Pungdommen which is Pungdom UB's environmental group does environmental actions such as beach cleaning, sea squirt workshop and raising awareness.

Our Sustainability

Ferd's IMPACT model

We use Ferd's IMPACT model to measure sustainability

Our primary sustainability goals

We focus on sustainability goals 12, 13 and 14 and have mapped sub-points of the sustainability goals

All our sustainability coverage in Brundtlands
sustainability circles

We use Brundtland's sustainability circles